A group of employees based at Triniti, North Ryde, have banded together to train twice a week at an F45 studio in Delhi Road, North Ryde. For the uninitiated, F45’s interval-style workouts are strictly 45 minutes, and focus on functional – thus the ‘F’ – movements to loud thumping music.
“We have been blown away by this innovative, and incredibly systemised training program. The workouts are tough and unrelenting, but we’re all in it together. It has created a lot of water talk in the office” say Margaretta Adm
“Monday’s session focusses on cardio, with Thursday’s session focussing on weights. At F45, you will never do the same workout twice.”
One CSR team member, Mary Ann Ortilla commented “Being a mother of two, it is so hard to squeeze in a time to exercise, so F45 helped me get back into fitness. Two days a week, 45 minutes training is perfect for a busy mum like me. I am happy to report I have lost 6kgs since we started F45 in May. I am now feeling a lot healthier and stronger and love training with my colleagues.”
We are all getting fitter and stronger in 2018.
Summer 2017/2018